GCP - How to connect to CloudSQL through private connection

Recently, I worked on a project on which we need to access privately to CloudSQL instance (PostgreSQL instance in our case). In this article, we will explore two options to do so. However, you can use the same technique for other types of CloudSQL (SQL Server or MySQL).

run database query


In order to connect privately to CloudSQL, you need to have :

  • CloudSQL with private services access connection enabled Private services access connection enabled
  • Enable Cloud SQL Admin API
  • A private virtual machine (bastion) on the same network as your private services connection
    • Required access scopes: Cloud Platform & Cloud SQL or Allow full access to all Cloud APIs
  • A firewall rule allowing IAP on port 22 (SSH)
gcloud compute --project=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID] firewall-rules create allow-iap --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=[YOUR_NETWORK_NAME] --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:22 --source-ranges=
  • A Cloud NAT gateway allowing outbound connections to the Internet without public IP on the bastion

Connect to CloudSQL through gcloud command line

With the IAP in place, you can now access to the bastion with private ip through IAP

Access bastion through IAP

On your bastion, you need to install Cloud SQL Proxy (v1). At the time of writing, the latest v1 version is v1.33.16.

curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/cloudsql-proxy/v1.33.16/cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64

chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64

sudo mv cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/cloud_sql_proxy

You must be able to go to the Internet in order to download this binary thanks to Cloud NAT. If it doesn’t work, please review your Cloud NAT configuration.

Next, you install the psql client on this bastion:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

Now, you can authenticate to Google and then connect to private CloudSQL using gcloud:

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project [YOUR_CLOUDSQL_PROJECT_ID]

gcloud beta sql connect [CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE_NAME] --database [YOUR_DB] --user [YOUR_USER]

Congratulation! You have established successfully the private connection from your bastion to CloudSQL through Cloud SQL Proxy. Connection success to CloudSQL

If you installed the Cloud SQL Proxy v2 instead of v1, you’ll see this error:

ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.connect) Cloud SQL Proxy (v1) couldn't be found in PATH. Either install the component with `gcloud components install cloud_sql_proxy` or see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-proxy/releases to install the v1 Cloud SQL Proxy. The v2 Cloud SQL Proxy is currently not supported by the connect command. You need to install the v1 Cloud SQL Proxy binary to use the connect command

Connect to CloudSQL through database management tool

If your organization policy does not block the tunnel on port 5432 from your local machine to your bastion in GCP, you can further connect to this CloudSQL through a database management tool like pgAdmin.

Update your above IAP rule “allow-iap” to allow IAP tunnel on port 5432 for Postgres.

gcloud compute --project=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID] firewall-rules update allow-iap \
--rules=tcp:22,tcp:5432 --source-ranges=

On your bastion, start CloudSQL Proxy to create a tunnel to CloudSQL on port 5432.

cloud_sql_proxy -instances [YOUR_CLOUDSQL_CONNECTION_NAME]=tcp:

This tunnel listen on port 5432 on your bastion and will forward the received requests to CloudSQL. cloud sql proxy tunnel

On your local machine, create a tunnel to your bastion on port 5432:

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project [BASTION_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel [YOUR_VM_BASTION_NAME] 5432 --local-host-port= --zone [YOUR_VM_BASTION_ZONE]

This tunnel listen on port 5432 on your local machine and take care of forwarding the received requests to your vm bastion. local machine tunnel

Open your pgAdmin, register your postgres server as following

  • Name: postgres-server
  • Connection
    • Host name/address:
    • Port: 5432
    • Username: your database’s username
    • Password: your database’s password

pgAdmin register server

Click Save button to register this server. You can now connect to CloudSQL instance from your local machine et run the query against your database.

run database query

iap  cloudsql  gcp 

See also

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